Rock and roll and debauchery go hand in hand to some extent—that is, until your favorite performer comes out on stage a little too much under the influence. This can result in some of the most awkward and uncomfortable performances, and in some cases, leads to a tragic end too.

Shahzin Shajid/Unsplash | Rock and roll and debauchery somewhat go hand in hand until your favorite performer comes out a bit too consumed
Bands that are known for substance abuse and partying a little too hard are also responsible for some of the most inebriated live performances. Let's have a look at some instances when music performers went way over the line and had had one too many drinks before their all-important musical set.
The Door's Jim Morrison (1970)
Most of us are already aware of Morrison's substance abuse and drinking problems but by the year 1970, his questionable lifestyle had really taken its toll. In one of his many embarrassing moments, Morrison went on a drunken rant in the middle of one particular show before engaging in a verbal altercation with a Boston crowd later that same year. His controversial behavior meant that it wasn’t long before Morrison was shunned by his fellow peers and canceled by the entertainment industry.
Oasis Liam Gallagher (1997)
By the year 1997, Oasis was experiencing a massive wave of success internationally. The Manchester group’s popularity was at an all-time high as they took to the stage for their iconic Knebworth shows in front of a crowd of 250,000 people. But unfortunately, their rising fame couldn't overcome the cracks in the relationship and tension between the brothers, Liam and Noel Gallagher. In 1997, during a gig, an inebriated Liam started playing drummer's cymbals with his hands in front of thousands of people in a bizarre incident that is quite embarrassing, even by today’s standards.
Creed's Scott Stapp (2002)
Creed's 2002 Chicago concert was so spectacularly bad that fans had to sue the group members for their horrible experience. The lawsuit claimed that the artist was intoxicated to the point that he could hardly sing. The band would later issue several apologies to their fans but sadly, the damage was already done.

Vidar Nordli-Mathisen/Unsplash | Creed's 2002 Chicago concert was so astonishingly bad that the fans had to sue the group members for an unbelievably bad experience
The Replacements (1986)
The Replacements’ 1986 appearance on SNL was such a letdown that it cemented their legacy as the most unpredictable band in the history of rock and roll. It is believed that the members of the band had been drinking the entire day and thus gotten extremely loose by the time they went live. As a result, the group got banned from “Saturday Night Live” for good.
Amy Winehouse (2011)
Winehouse's entire career was swept away because of her struggle with addiction. Back in 2011, the late performer's personal issues were bared for all to see when she threw her mic on the ground and left the stage unannounced. For the entire performance, Winehouse was mercilessly booed by the crowd. After several failed efforts to reign in her substance abuse, the “Back to Black” singer would tragically pass away later that year.

Kyle Wong/Unsplash | Amy Winehouse's entire career was swept away because she struggled with addiction
To Sum Up
Substance abuse, medication malpractices, and overdoses have been a big problem not just in the music business but also for today’s youth. This has not only cost celebrities and rockstars their careers but in some instances, their lives too.
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