There are countless things and creatures around us on Earth, in our Milkyway galaxy, and indeed the universe. As humans, we regularly interact with these objects in our environment and they also feature in our conversations so, in order to have effective communication, these objects must be given a name or an identity.
Imagine how difficult it would be to have a meaningful conversation if nothing had a name but fortunately for us, we have done a good job of naming the things around us. However, there are countless things that many of us don’t realize have names. This is often because these things hardly feature in our conversations, or arent’ paid much attention to. Hence, we might have relegated them to a level of importance where we do not even notice them. Today, we are shedding light on four things you did not know had names

John Diez/Pexels | Armsaye
The Armhole in Your Shirt
Unless you are into tailoring or fashion designing, or perhaps you are an avid reader, you most likely did not know this…that hole in your shirt where your shirt’s shoulder meets a long or short sleeve is called “armsaye.” It is the same hole that you put your hand through to be able to wear your shirt.

Miguel A. Padrinan/Pexels | A Pencil with a Ferrule
Most of us have used pencils at one point or another. When you err on a piece of paper with your pencil, your next step is to use an eraser. Some pencils come with erasers on top and are the erasers are often either white or pink. In most cases, there is a metal band that carries the eraser, and in case you didn’t know, this metallic piece that holds your pencil’s eraser has a name–it’s called a ferrule.

Pixabay/Pexels | A Belt with a Keeper
Your Belt’s Keeper
When we talk about a keeper, a soccer fan might think of the player with gloves assigned to the goalposts whose job is to catch the ball. Similarly, your belt also has a keeper–it is the last loop your belt passes through, which holds your belt at the end so it does not dangle.
Did anyone say pinky finger? Most of us know that the short, thick first digit of our hands or feet is known as the thumb. However, have you wondered what the littlest finger farthest from your thumb is called? If you guessed ‘pinky,’ you’re wrong–in fact, it is called a minimus.
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