When it comes to comedy movies, you are bound to have a good time: you laugh most of the time and enjoy the characters in the films that you watch with your friends and close ones. Watching movies in this genre is the best way to lighten the mood and boost your mental state,
which is why there is nothing like watching a funny film after a long, tiring day so you can relax and laugh your heart out. Generally speaking, a comedy film comes with unique characters with different personalities and witty one-liners that leave your tummy hurting from all of the hilarity and ensuing laughter. The storyline isn’t the strongest forte for these films because they focus on making the characters extremely relatable and hilarious. When people rewatch these films, they realize the small funny details and share them on the internet. So, if you are interested in knowing more, then check out this list of funny movie details you probably missed the first time you watched it.

Vlada/Pexels | Caution: this will make you want to rewatch all the films.
1. Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
This 2022 film was praised for its roles and cast, which included Jamie Lee Curtis, who plays the role of an IRS Auditor. However, what many people didn’t realize is that her costume was inspired by the actual IRS employee stock photo. You can look up the IRS employee stock photo and compare the two.
2. Coming To America (1988)
Eddie Murphy is the king of comedy! He sure knows how to commit to any and every kind of role. In his "Coming to America" film, Murphy reenacted Elvis Presley when he made an exit. Eddie walked off the stage with the same style and hand gestures that Elvis made. There’s nothing like paying tribute to a legend by a legend.
3. Bio-Dome (1996)
Community colleges often hold a bad reputation for not having the ‘not-so-smart’ kids, but the "Bio-Dome" film breaks the stereotype in the weirdest manner. The motto of the community college that Monique and Jen attended was ‘Nothing to be ashamed of.

Rodnae Productions/Pexels | That is exactly how everyone should feel about community colleges.
4. Scary Movie (2000)
This movie is full of jokes, references, and mockery, which is why it is loved. However, the hilarious detail that was added in the movie shows up at the start as a disclaimer, and it states that the movie is rated I; I for Immature.

Walt Disney Motion Studios | The movie is loaded with funny gags.
5. Scream (1996)
Now Scream is not a comedy film, but it sure held some easter eggs for its viewers. In the scene when Principal Himbry goes over his office closet, you can spot a duplicate of Fonzie’s Leather motorcycle jacket. Maybe Fonzie changed his identity and became a principal. Both of these characters were played by Henry Winkler.
So, do you think you are going to rewatch all the films to get a good laugh? We know we sure will.
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