Text messaging has become essential to modern-day communication, especially in romantic relationships. However, not all texters are created equal. In some cases, certain types of texters can cause concern, indicating underlying issues in the relationship. Here are some types of texters to watch out for in a relationship:
The Ghost
The Ghost is a texter who disappears for long periods without explanation. They may leave you hanging, not respond to your messages, and ignore your calls. The Ghost can signify that the person is not fully invested in the relationship or maybe seeing other people.

Gary Brown/ Pinterest | There are no hard and fast rules about texting frequency throughout the day.
The Over-Texter
On the opposite end of the spectrum is the Over-Texter. This type of texter sends multiple messages in a row, demanding an immediate response. They may also send excessive emojis and use all caps, making it difficult to have a meaningful conversation. The Over-Texter can be overwhelming and may signal a lack of boundaries.
The Passive-Aggressive Texter
The Passive-Aggressive Texter is someone who sends messages that are unclear or contain hidden meanings. They may use sarcasm, guilt-tripping, or subtle insults to express their displeasure or disappointment. The Passive-Aggressive Texter can be frustrating and may lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
The Emoji Abuser
The Emoji Abuser is someone who overuses emojis in their messages. While emojis can be a fun way to express emotions and add humor to a conversation, using too many can be overwhelming and make it difficult to have a meaningful conversation. The Emoji Abuser can signify a lack of effort in communicating or a tendency to avoid serious topics.

Jenn Mann/ Shutterstock | In a new relationship, the whole texting thing is so complicated
The Jealous Texter
The Jealous Texter constantly checks up on you, questions your whereabouts, and gets upset when you don't respond immediately. They may also get upset when you interact with others, particularly members of the opposite sex. The Jealous Texter can be possessive and may indicate trust issues.
The Drunk Texter
The Drunk Texter sends messages late at night after too many drinks. These messages can be embarrassing, inappropriate, or even offensive. The Drunk Texter can indicate impulsivity and may lead to regrettable actions.
The One-Word Responder
The One-Word Responder consistently responds to your messages with one-word answers. They may seem disinterested or unengaged in the conversation. The One-Word Responder can signify a lack of effort or interest in the relationship.

Gary Brown/ Pinterest | Research shows it takes around 163 text messages to fall in love.
Grammar Police
The Grammar Police is critical of your grammar and spelling in your text messages. While striving for clear and effective communication is important, being excessively nit-picky about grammar can be a sign of a lack of empathy and understanding. The Grammar Police can create unnecessary stress and make it difficult to enjoy the conversation.
The Delayed Responder
The Delayed Responder takes a long to respond to your messages, often without explanation. They may be consistently busy or distracted, but their delayed responses can create uncertainty and anxiety. The delayed response can signify a lack of commitment or interest in the relationship.
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