Traveling is the best way to have new experiences, learn about unseen places, things, and cultures. You step out of your house to explore the world, mostly to put yourself out there, escape your comfort zone, and experience the unexpected.
In doing so, your sole purpose in doing so is to have the time of your life and to escape from your normal day-to-day routine.
What makes a vacation one to remember is the location and with that being said, there are numerous places around the world that make for a great escape.

Frans Van Heeden/Pexels | Unfortunately, there are only a handful of places that are unusual and backed by an interesting history.
We’re looking at the world's most unusual and unique places and why you should visit them.
1. Blood Falls, Antarctica
Imagine a waterfall–but it is red like your blood. Yep, it’s right there in the name. This discovery was made by a team of scientists including Erin C. Pettit, a National Geographic explorer.
2. The Island Of Dolls, Mexico
This is probably one of the creepiest places to exist on this plant. Picture an island with decaying dolls hanging from trees. Legend says there was a man by the name of Don Julian who left his family and went to stay on an island on Teshuilo Lake. There, he discovered the body of a small girl who had drowned on the shore of the island, followed by the discovery of a doll who had washed up ashore. He hung the doll on a tree and since that day, Don Julian dedicated his entire life to the memory of this girl.
He spent the next 50 years of his life alone on the island, creating dolls and hanging them from trees. Some dolls that he had created were whole while others were made in a disturbing manner, headless, torso-less, and some of them having no legs or arms. Julian met his demise on the island and according to some people, he was found the same way that he had claimed to find the young girl. Yikes.

David Lopez/Pexels | Now people honor both Julian and the young girl by visiting the place and leaving dolls of their own
3. The Poison Garden, England
This garden in England is home to around a hundred of the world's most deadly, intoxicating plants. The garden can only be accessed via a guided tour so don’t bother visiting it on your own. For safety purposes (we assume), there are big iron gates that are intended to keep the public away from this deadly garden.

Julia Volk/Pexels | A dead garden is a less-than-ideal vacation spot, to say the least
So which of these unusual vacation spots do you find the creepiest?
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